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wars of the roses造句

"wars of the roses"是什么意思  
  • Every nation has a right to its own war of the roses .
  • Here were fought many of the most desperate battles during the civil wars of the roses !
  • The key to the english recovery following the wars of the roses had been henry vii's concentration upon domestic stability and financial prudence .
  • 1485 the battle of bosworth field , the last of the wars of the roses , took place , in which richard was killed
    玫瑰战争中的最后一战- - -博斯沃思菲尔德战役打响,英格兰国王理查三世阵亡。
  • On this date : in 1485 , england ' s king richard the third was killed in the battle of bosworth field , ending the war of the roses
  • Wars of the roses : battle of towton - edward of york defeats queen margaret to become king edward iv of england
  • 1461the battle of towton took place in north yordshire during the wars of the roses - the bloodiest battle fought on british soil , in which it was said that over 28000 died
  • It's difficult to see wars of the roses in a sentence. 用wars of the roses造句挺难的
如何用wars of the roses造句,用wars of the roses造句wars of the roses in a sentence, 用wars of the roses造句和wars of the roses的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。